

“The best of people is the one who is beneficial to people.” Based on this hadith, we aimed to help those in need. Bangladesh is a Muslim dominating country with a population of approximately 180 million. A significant proportion of people of the country have serious financial problems. Since then, together with the natural disasters, poverty has also reached its peak.

In addition to these, after the massacre in Myanmar’s Arakan region in 2017, approximately 700 thousand people immigrated to Bangladesh, according to UNICEF. The Rohingya Muslims, who fled to save their own lives, could not bring anything with them except the clothes they were wearing. MARSA Association,from the beginning of the challenging times of Arakan People has implemented varıous projects and assists-When many aid activities were not available at that time .

We could never have done this work without the support of our partner institutions specially in Turkey. For this reason, I would like to express my gratitude to the NGOs, especially to the Turkish people, for the help received from both the state and non-governmental organizations so far.


